As a part of the mission of Proclaim Church, Proclaim School exists to glorify God by proclaiming and applying all of God’s word to all of life. We believe that God has given parents the duty to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4) which includes an education that is aimed toward these ends.
We currently meet on Thursdays during the school year and run classes on a semester-long basis. We enroll grades K-12 with age restrictions on classes where applicable. We currently function similarly to a co-op program in that we do not offer a full academic schedule.
For more information about our Fall 2024 Semester please fill out our Intake/Interest Form below:
>>>Intake/Interest Form<<<
To help parents meet the duties outlined in scripture three guiding principles drive what we do. We call them the “3 Cs of Proclaim School”.
Parents have the primary responsibility to ensure that their children are educated toward the goal of Godly lives. We believe that many parents think providing an education centered on Christian truth feels unattainable. Proclaim School is not seeking to take away this duty, but to support parents in this duty by providing classes to make that duty more accessible through good instruction and affordable lower cost than many private alternatives.
We believe the best way to provide a good education that orients students toward the discipline and instruction of the Lord utilizes Classical Methods of teaching. The classical method views education in three stages:
Grammar: Learning the facts about something. An example would be the names and dates of events and people in history. Students commonly use rote repetition and song for memorization techniques.
Logic: Learning the arguments about something. To continue the history example, the student would now begin to examine the causes and effects of the events in history having already established the facts. Opinions are formed based on logical argumentation and ethical considerations from a biblical foundation.
Rhetoric: Applying arguments persuasively. Students now take the facts, the logic, and opinions and begin to apply the tools of rhetoric and persuasion to make a defense of their opinions.
The ultimate goal is that a student will learn how to learn. By the time they have mastered the three phases of the classical method they will be well prepared to go from knowing nothing about a given subject to being able to think critically and speak persuasively about it..
The cornerstone of the 3Cs of Proclaim School is that the education of children must be distinctively Christian. Education is simply the tool utilized by parents to prepare their children to live as godly offspring, holy and pleasing to the Lord. If their education is not serving this purpose, then what purpose does it serve other than a purpose contrary to it?
Because it is collaborative it is a support to the attempts of parents to take seriously their Christian duty to train up a child. Because it is both Christian and Classical, the method has a purpose. We do not simply aim to teach students to learn how to go from facts to persuasive opinions generically, we pray that they would learn the facts and argumentation to persuasively present godly opinions and allow them to apply more of God’s word to more of life for His glory.
Fall 2024 FAQ
What classes will be offered?
Church History 1 - Session 1 (age 10 and above)
Hospitality & Etiquette - Session 1
Church Music - Vocal - Session 2
What is the class Schedule?
Thursday mornings:
Session 1 - 10a-10:50a
Session 2 - 11a-11:50a
Lunch/Fellowship - 12p-1p (optional)
Semester: September 5th - November 21st
Break: October 10th & 17th
What is the cost?
Tuition: $70 per class (per child)
Enrollment/Admin Fee: $50 (per family)
Supply Fee: Varies by class.
What ages/grades are included?
Enrollment is open to K-12th grades (minimum age of 5 years). While classes will be geared to work across a broad spectrum of ages, the expected difficulty and courseload will restrict ages on select classes (i.e. Church History 1 is limited to 10 and up). Some courses will have differing coursework according to age and ability (i.e. a research paper for the younger students vs. a persuasive essay on a research topic for the older students).
What can I expect on class days?
Parents are expected to bring students to class days and remain on premises in case of emergencies. Both of our unstaffed nurseries, the nursing mothers' room, and common areas such as the coffee and large basement areas will be available for parents to utilize with non-student children. We intend to have coffee available and parents who may want to work from the building can request the use of our WiFi connection.
Students participating in classes will follow the schedule outlined above and participation in the optional lunch hour (no cost - bring your own lunch) is highly encouraged to foster greater fellowship within the school community.
I'm interested, what’s next?
Go to the link below and fill out our Interest/Intake form. Those interested in enrolling will be given more information about how to do so once we receive their information.